v Irresistible Indulgence: Baileys Iced Frappe Recipe for Chilled Delight

Baileys Iced Frappe Recipe

Baileys Iced Frappe

Baileys Iced Frappe

Dear diary, today was the day. The day that I finally came up with a money-making idea based off my blog. The idea is brilliant in its simplicity: Take a successful recipe, change one ingredient and voila — you have an entirely new and unique product you can sell for profit. Here’s how it went down: I took a cool recipe for a drink (which included Baileys, if that helps you envision it), then changed that Baileys to coffee liqueur, because I like coffee more than whisky and figured it would be more appealing to others as well. Then voila — Baileys Iced Frappe! Here’s what happened next…

Hi! I’m a fan of the drink Baileys Iced Frappe. This is basically coffee with a splash of whisky in it. It’s really delicious (especially in the summer) and tastes like coffee, except slightly sweeter. It’s similar to an iced mocha, but sweeter. There are many variations including with peppermint extract instead of coffee. I like mine with sugar instead of sweetener, but you can use your favorite sweetener according to taste.

Iced coffee can be a great way to cool down in the summer. The problem is that hot coffee is not a good drink to sip on when it’s hot out. This is why so many people opt for iced coffee instead of cold brews and other cold drinks.

One of my favorite ways to make an iced coffee drink is with Baileys Irish Cream. I’ve been making this beverage for years now and we always have some in the fridge. It’s easy to make, delicious, and has just enough calories that you can feel good about enjoying it even though it tastes like a treat!

Here’s how to make your own Baileys Iced Frappe:

Start by combining 2 cups of freshly brewed coffee with 1/2 cup Baileys Irish Cream in a blender. You can use any kind of coffee you want, but I usually use decaf because I don’t want my kids drinking caffeine after dinner!

Blend everything together until frothy and then pour into glasses over ice cubes or crushed ice. Serve immediately garnished with whipped cream if desired (or just pour it over).

This is basically coffee with a splash of whisky in it. It’s really delicious.

I’ve been trying to make some non-alcoholic drinks for people who don’t drink or for those times when you want something sweet but not too sweet. I’ve been using this recipe for about two years now and it’s always a hit.


3 cups strong black coffee (coffee machine)

1 cup Baileys Irish Cream (or other whiskey cream)

Section: Ingredients

Section: 1 cup of milk

Section: 1 cup of ice

Section: 2 tablespoons coffee or instant espresso

Section: 2 tablespoons chocolate syrup

Section: 2 tablespoons Baileys Irish Cream or coffee liqueur (e.g. Kahlua)

Section: Whipped cream for topping (optional)

Takeaway: Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

What you need:

1 shot of Baileys Irish Cream

Instant coffee


1/2 cup of heavy cream

Whipped cream (optional)

How to make it:

Put 1 shot of Baileys Irish Cream into a glass and add 1/4 cup of instant coffee. Stir until dissolved. Add 1/2 cup of heavy cream, stir again until mixed well. Add ice to the glass and enjoy!

How to produce:

1/4 cup of instant coffee should be added to a glass along with 1 shot of Baileys Irish Cream. Shake until dissolved. Stir again until fully combined after adding 1/2 cup of heavy cream. Fill the glass with ice, then sip.

You may not agree with me, but I am a great Starbucks supporter. Yes, it’s expensive, but wow, is it good! I continue to drink their white chocolate mocha during the winter months, but my preferred beverage during the hotter months is a frappuccino.

I chose to attempt preparing my own version at home rather than shelling out more than $4 for a drink. In addition, mine contains Bailey’s whereas theirs does not, thus mine wins, hehe!

To make this drink, I simply brewed extra coffee in the morning to keep aside and chill. The following afternoon, I threw a few basic ingredients into a blender, and the drink was prepared. It was made even more like the actual thing because I just so happened to have some whipped cream and sprinkles on hand.

My husband took one taste and declared it to be his new favourite version, agreeing to stop going to Starbucks. Exactly what? Wow, that is a really nice complement.

If you’re in need of a cool drink as the weather begins to warm up, look no further! You also get a dash of Bailey’s in addition to the coffee boost. It’s a fantastic afternoon or evening pick-me-up.

How to produce:

1/4 cup of instant coffee should be added to a glass along with 1 shot of Baileys Irish Cream. Shake until dissolved. Stir again until fully combined after adding 1/2 cup of heavy cream. Fill the glass with ice, then sip.

You may not agree with me, but I am a great Starbucks supporter. Yes, it’s expensive, but wow, is it good! I continue to drink their white chocolate mocha during the winter months, but my preferred beverage during the hotter months is a frappuccino.

I chose to attempt preparing my own version at home rather than shelling out more than $4 for a drink. In addition, mine contains Bailey’s whereas theirs does not, thus mine wins, hehe!

To make this drink, I simply brewed extra coffee in the morning to keep aside and chill. The following afternoon, I threw a few basic ingredients into a blender, and the drink was prepared. It was made even more like the actual thing because I just so happened to have some whipped cream and sprinkles on hand.

My husband took one taste and declared it to be his new favourite version, agreeing to stop going to Starbucks. Exactly what? Wow, that is a really nice complement.

If you’re in need of a cool drink as the weather begins to warm up, look no further! You also get a dash of Bailey’s in addition to the coffee boost. It’s a fantastic afternoon or evening pick-me-up.

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