Jalebi Fafda Recipe
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Jalebi Fafda Recipe

Jalebi Fafda Recipe

Jalebi Fafda Recipe Introduction:

Jalebi Fafda is a beloved and traditional snack from Gujarat, India, known for its distinctive sweet and savory flavors. This dish pairs crispy, golden-brown fafda—savory, spiced chickpea flour sticks—with sweet, syrup-soaked jalebi, a deep-fried treat with a tangy syrup coating. The contrast between the crunchy fafda and the sticky, sweet jalebi creates a delightful fusion of textures and tastes. Typically enjoyed as a breakfast or snack, Jalebi Fafda is especially popular during festivals and special occasions, offering a satisfying blend of flavors that cater to both sweet and savory cravings.

Jalebi Fafda

Jalebi Fafda Recipe Overview:

Jalebi Fafda is a classic Indian combination of two popular snacks from Gujarat. Fafda is a crispy, savory snack made from chickpea flour, seasoned with spices, and deep-fried until golden brown. Jalebi is a sweet, circular dessert made by deep-frying a fermented batter and soaking it in sugar syrup. Together, these two dishes create a unique blend of spicy and sweet flavors that are enjoyed as a special treat or during festivals.

Jalebi Fafda Recipe Ingredient Tips:

Fafda Ingredients:

  1. Chickpea Flour (Besan):
    • Freshness: Use fresh chickpea flour for the best texture and flavor. Stale flour can affect the crispiness of the fafda.
    • Sifting: Sift the flour before use to remove any lumps and ensure a smooth dough.
  2. Carom Seeds (Ajwain):
    • Quantity: Use carom seeds sparingly as they have a strong flavor. They add a distinct taste that complements the savory profile of fafda.
    • Freshness: Use fresh carom seeds for the best flavor. If they’re old, they might be less potent.
  3. Turmeric and Black Pepper:
    • Balance: Turmeric adds color and a mild flavor, while black pepper adds heat. Adjust these according to your taste preference.
    • Quality: Use fresh ground black pepper for a better flavor.
  4. Baking Soda:
    • Purpose: Baking soda helps in making the fafda crispy and light. Ensure it’s fresh for proper leavening.
    • Avoid Overuse: Too much baking soda can cause an undesirable taste and affect the texture.
  5. Oil (for Frying):
    • Type: Use neutral oil with a high smoke point, such as vegetable oil or sunflower oil.
    • Temperature: Ensure the oil is hot enough (around 350°F/175°C) before frying to achieve a crispy texture.

Jalebi Ingredients:

  1. All-Purpose Flour:
    • Consistency: The batter should be smooth and of a flowing consistency. Adjust with water as needed.
    • Sifting: Sift the flour before mixing to avoid lumps in the batter.
  2. Cornstarch:
    • Purpose: Cornstarch helps in making the jalebi crispy. Ensure it’s well-mixed with the flour.
  3. Yogurt:
    • Fermentation: Yogurt helps in fermenting the batter, which is essential for the texture of jalebi. Use fresh, plain yogurt.
    • Quantity: Adjust the amount of yogurt based on the consistency of the batter. Too much yogurt can make the batter too runny.
  4. Baking Powder:
    • Purpose: Baking powder aids in the batter’s rise and helps create the crispy texture. Ensure it’s fresh for best results.
  5. Sugar:
    • Quality: Use granulated sugar for the syrup. Avoid using powdered sugar as it can alter the syrup’s consistency.
  6. Water (for Syrup):
    • Proportion: Maintain the correct ratio of water to sugar to achieve a thick but pourable syrup. Too much water can make the syrup too thin.
  7. Cardamom Pods:
    • Flavor: Crush cardamom pods to release their essential oils for a fragrant syrup. You can adjust the amount based on your taste preference.
  8. Saffron (Optional):
    • Flavor and Color: Saffron adds a unique flavor and golden color to the syrup. Use sparingly as it has a strong taste.
  9. Rose Water (Optional):
    • Enhancement: Rose water adds a floral aroma to the syrup. Use it lightly to avoid overpowering the flavor.

General Tips:

  • Consistency: For both fafda and jalebi, ensure the batter or dough is of the right consistency. It should be neither too thick nor too runny.
  • Resting Time: Allow the fafda dough and jalebi batter to rest for the recommended time to develop the flavors and achieve the best texture.
  • Testing: Before frying a large batch, test a small amount of the batter or dough to check the texture and flavor. Adjust if necessary.

For Fafda:

  1. Mixing Bowls:
    • Use medium to large bowls for mixing the chickpea flour (besan), spices, and water to make the fafda dough.
  2. Rolling Pin and Board:
    • To roll out the fafda dough into thin, even sheets. Ensure the rolling surface is clean and lightly floured to prevent sticking.
  3. Knife or Pizza Cutter:
    • To cut the rolled dough into strips or desired shapes for frying.
  4. Frying Pan or Deep Fryer:
    • A deep frying pan or a deep fryer for frying the fafda. Ensure it is deep enough to submerge the fafda strips in hot oil.
  5. Slotted Spoon or Spider Strainer:
    • For removing the fafda from the hot oil. A slotted spoon or spider strainer helps drain excess oil.
  6. Paper Towels:
    • To place the fried fafda on, allowing excess oil to be absorbed.
  7. Cooling Rack (Optional):
    • To cool the fafda evenly and maintain its crispiness. Place it on a cooling rack to prevent sogginess.

For Jalebi:

  1. Mixing Bowls:
    • For preparing the jalebi batter. Use a large bowl to mix flour, cornstarch, yogurt, and water.
  2. Piping Bag or Squeeze Bottle:
    • For piping the jalebi batter into the hot oil to form spirals. If you don’t have a piping bag, a squeeze bottle with a small nozzle works well.
  3. Frying Pan or Deep Fryer:
    • Similar to the fafda, use a deep frying pan or deep fryer. The pan should be wide enough to allow easy swirling of the batter.
  4. Saucepan:
    • For preparing the sugar syrup. A medium saucepan is ideal for boiling water and sugar with cardamom.
  5. Thermometer:
    • A candy or deep-fry thermometer helps monitor the temperature of the oil and syrup, ensuring they are at the correct temperatures for frying and setting.
  6. Slotted Spoon or Spider Strainer:
    • For removing the fried jalebi from the oil and dipping it into the syrup.
  7. Cooling Rack or Plate:
    • To place the fried jalebi on after dipping it in syrup, allowing excess syrup to drip off and prevent sogginess.
  8. Parchment Paper or Silicone Mat:
    • To line the cooling rack or plate, making cleanup easier and preventing sticky jalebi from sticking to the surface.

General Tips:

  • Prep Space: Ensure your workspace is clean and organized to facilitate smooth preparation and cooking.
  • Safety Gear: Use heat-resistant gloves or mitts if needed, and always handle hot oil with care to avoid burns.

Jalebi Fafda Recipe Step-by-Step Instructions:


  1. Prepare the Dough:
    • In a mixing bowl, combine chickpea flour, carom seeds, turmeric powder, black pepper, salt, and baking soda.
    • Add 2 tablespoons of oil to the dry ingredients and mix well.
    • Gradually add water, a little at a time, to form a smooth and firm dough. The dough should be pliable but not too soft.
  2. Rest the Dough:
    • Cover the dough with a damp cloth and let it rest for about 15-20 minutes. This helps in making the dough more workable.
  3. Roll and Cut:
    • On a lightly floured surface, roll out the dough into a thin, even sheet (about 1/8 inch thick).
    • Using a knife or pizza cutter, cut the rolled dough into thin strips (about 1/2 inch wide).
  4. Heat the Oil:
    • In a deep frying pan or deep fryer, heat enough oil for deep frying over medium-high heat. The oil should be around 350°F (175°C).
  5. Fry the Fafda:
    • Gently slide the dough strips into the hot oil, a few at a time, to avoid overcrowding.
    • Fry until golden brown and crispy, turning occasionally for even cooking. This should take about 2-3 minutes per batch.
    • Remove the fafda with a slotted spoon and place them on paper towels to drain excess oil.
  1. Prepare the Batter:
    • In a mixing bowl, combine all-purpose flour, cornstarch, and baking powder.
    • Add yogurt and mix well to form a smooth batter. Gradually add water to reach a slightly thick, pourable consistency.
    • Cover the bowl and let the batter rest for 2-3 hours to ferment.
  2. Prepare the Syrup:
    • In a saucepan, combine sugar, 1 cup of water, and crushed cardamom pods. Add saffron strands if using.
    • Heat over medium heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Allow it to simmer for 5-7 minutes until it slightly thickens.
    • Remove from heat and add rose water if using. Keep the syrup warm.
  3. Heat the Oil:
    • In a deep frying pan or deep fryer, heat oil to around 350°F (175°C) for frying the jalebi.
  4. Pipe the Jalebi:
    • Transfer the batter to a piping bag or squeeze bottle with a small nozzle.
    • Pipe the batter into the hot oil in a spiral or circular motion to form jalebi shapes. Fry until golden brown and crisp, about 2-3 minutes per side.
  5. Dip in Syrup:
    • Remove the fried jalebi from the oil using a slotted spoon.
    • Immediately dip the jalebi into the warm sugar syrup, ensuring it’s well-coated.
    • Remove from the syrup and place on a cooling rack or plate lined with parchment paper to drain excess syrup.


  • Serve Warm: Serve the freshly made fafda and jalebi together. Fafda can be enjoyed as a crispy, savory snack with pickles or chutneys, while jalebi adds a sweet, sticky contrast.
  • Accompaniments: Consider serving with a side of yogurt or a spicy chutney to enhance the flavors.

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Jalebi Fafda Recipe Tips and Tricks:

  1. Dough Consistency:
    • Firmness: Ensure the dough is neither too soft nor too stiff. It should be pliable and easy to roll out. If it’s too soft, add a bit more chickpea flour; if too stiff, add a small amount of water.
  2. Rolling the Dough:
    • Thickness: Roll the dough as thin as possible for extra crispiness. A thin layer will fry up more crispy and light.
    • Surface: Use a lightly floured surface to prevent sticking. Alternatively, roll the dough between two sheets of parchment paper.
  3. Cutting the Dough:
    • Uniform Strips: Cut the dough into uniform strips to ensure even frying. If you prefer, you can also shape them into thin sticks or squares.
  4. Oil Temperature:
    • Heat: Maintain the oil temperature around 350°F (175°C). Too hot and the fafda will brown too quickly without cooking through; too cold and they will absorb too much oil.
    • Test: Test a small piece of dough in the hot oil to check the temperature. It should rise to the surface and start bubbling immediately.
  5. Frying Tips:
    • Avoid Overcrowding: Fry in batches to avoid overcrowding, which can lower the oil temperature and lead to soggy fafda.
    • Drain Well: Place fried fafda on paper towels to absorb excess oil, keeping them crispy.

For Jalebi:

  1. Batter Consistency:
    • Smoothness: The batter should be smooth and slightly thick, similar to pancake batter. Adjust with water or flour as needed.
    • Resting: Allow the batter to ferment for 2-3 hours. This helps develop a better texture and flavor.
  2. Syrup Preparation:
    • Thickness: The syrup should be slightly thick but not too sticky. Test by dropping a spoonful into cold water; it should form a soft ball but not be overly firm.
    • Warm Syrup: Keep the syrup warm (but not hot) so it coats the jalebi properly. Cold syrup can cause the jalebi to lose its crispiness.
  3. Piping the Jalebi:
    • Consistency: Use a piping bag or squeeze bottle with a small nozzle for control. Practice piping on a small portion of oil to perfect your technique before making a full batch.
    • Shapes: Create spiral or circular shapes. Don’t worry about perfect shapes; they’ll still taste delicious even if they’re a bit irregular.
  4. Frying Tips:
    • Temperature Control: Maintain oil temperature around 350°F (175°C) to ensure even frying and crispiness. Adjust the heat as needed during frying.
    • Frying Time: Fry jalebi until golden brown and crisp. Over-frying can make them too hard, while under-frying can leave them soft.
  5. Dipping in Syrup:
    • Immediate Dipping: Dip the jalebi into warm syrup immediately after frying. This allows the syrup to be absorbed while the jalebi is still hot and crispy.
    • Avoid Over-Dipping: Do not soak the jalebi in syrup for too long to prevent them from becoming soggy. A quick dip is usually sufficient.

General Tips:

  • Preparation: Prepare all ingredients and equipment before starting to streamline the cooking process.
  • Testing: Always test a small batch of both fafda and jalebi to ensure the recipe works as expected and adjust as needed.
  • Storage: Store leftover fafda in an airtight container to maintain crispiness. Jalebi should be stored in a covered container at room temperature and consumed within a day or two for best results.

Serving Suggestions:

Jalebi Fafda is a versatile dish that can be enjoyed in various ways. Here are some serving suggestions to elevate your experience:

  1. Classic Combination:
  • Traditional Serve: Enjoy Jalebi and Fafda together on a plate. The crisp, savory fafda pairs perfectly with the sweet, sticky jalebi. This classic combination is especially popular for breakfast or as a festive treat.
  1. With Chutneys and Pickles:
  • Mint Chutney: Serve fafda with a side of fresh mint chutney for a refreshing, spicy contrast.
  • Tamarind Chutney: Add tamarind chutney to balance the sweetness of jalebi with a tangy twist.
  • Pickles: Spicy Indian pickles, like mango or lemon pickle, add an extra layer of flavor and heat to the fafda.
  1. With Yogurt:
  • Plain Yogurt: Serve fafda with a side of plain yogurt to balance the spice and provide a creamy contrast.
  • Yogurt with Spices: Mix yogurt with a pinch of cumin, salt, and a bit of chaat masala for a flavored dip that complements the fafda.
  1. As a Festive Breakfast:
  • Special Occasion: Jalebi Fafda is a popular choice for festive breakfasts and special occasions. Serve it with a side of tea or coffee to make it a hearty start to the day.
  1. With Fresh Fruits:
  • Fruit Salad: Pair the dish with a fresh fruit salad to add a light, refreshing element that complements the rich and sweet flavors of jalebi.
  1. With Saag or Curry:
  • Accompaniment: For a savory twist, serve fafda alongside a simple saag (spinach) or curry. The crispy fafda can be enjoyed as a crunchy accompaniment to the curry.
  1. As Part of a Snack Platter:
  • Platter: Create a snack platter by including a variety of Indian snacks, such as samosas, pakoras, and kachoris, along with jalebi and fafda. This makes for a delightful and diverse snack experience.
  1. With Additional Toppings:
  • Chopped Onions and Coriander: Garnish fafda with finely chopped onions and fresh coriander for added flavor and a touch of freshness.
  • Lemon Wedges: Serve with lemon wedges for an optional squeeze of tangy citrus that can enhance the flavor of the fafda.
  1. For a Sweet Finish:
  • Garnishes: Garnish jalebi with a sprinkle of chopped nuts, such as almonds or pistachios, for added texture and visual appeal.

Tips for Serving:

  • Warm or Room Temperature: Jalebi is best served warm or at room temperature to maintain its syrupy texture. Fafda should be served crisp to enjoy its crunch.
  • Presentation: Arrange the jalebi and fafda attractively on a platter to enhance the visual appeal. Use garnishes and accompaniments to create a well-rounded presentation.


1. What is the best time to enjoy Jalebi Fafda?

Answer: Jalebi Fafda is traditionally enjoyed as a breakfast or brunch item, especially on festive days like Dussehra and Diwali. It is also a popular snack during the day or as an indulgent treat during special occasions.

2. Can I prepare the batter and dough in advance?

Answer: Yes, you can prepare the fafda dough and jalebi batter a few hours ahead of time. For best results, make the fafda dough and jalebi batter fresh. However, you can refrigerate the batter for up to 4 hours before frying.

3. How do I store leftover Jalebi Fafda?

Answer: Store leftover fafda in an airtight container to keep it crispy. For jalebi, store it in a covered container at room temperature. Jalebi is best consumed within 1-2 days as it can become sticky and lose its crispiness over time.

4. What can I do if my fafda dough is too soft?

Answer: If the fafda dough is too soft, add a little more chickpea flour to achieve the desired consistency. It should be firm enough to roll out without sticking excessively.

5. Why is my jalebi batter not fermenting properly?

Answer: Ensure that the yogurt used is fresh and that the batter is left in a warm place to ferment. The ambient temperature should be warm enough to facilitate fermentation. If it’s too cold, the batter might not rise properly.

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